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Furrow the curved roads of the Massif des Alpilles in the heart of Provence.



In this setting worthy of the most beautiful postcards, visit the old village or walk around the Saint-Sixte Chapel. As soon as you arrive, your eyes will turn to the hill where stands a tower and a statue of the Virgin Mary. It dominates the village. Stroll the streets and enjoy this charming little village. On Friday mornings, the village comes alive with its Provencal market.

Restaurant Chez Paulette : 130 Rue de la République, 13810 Eygalières

Chez Emily : Fromagerie & vin



If you are looking for a little corner of nature in the heart of the Alpilles, you are in the right place. Aureille is appreciated for its hikes and its climbing site "les Civadières". The village itself is typically Provencal with its wash house, its fountains and its oratories. You can even see the remains of the Château Castelas a little further on.

A voir : L’église, les oratoires, lavoir et la Tour de l’horloge



Territory combining history, nature and traditions. Maussane-les-Alpilles is where the magic happens with its procession of sunny images. The song of the cicadas, the fields of olive trees as far as the eye can see and the taste of oil, discover the art of living in Provence. You are in the territory of olive oil, so a stop in an olive growing estate is a must!

Restaurant Aux ateliers : 115 Av. de la Vallée des Baux, 13520 Maussane-les-Alpilles



Ancient Roman city, today only vestiges remain to testify of the existence of this city. Columns, baths, mosaics, the life of the Romans are drawn as the visit progresses. At the entrance the Triumphal Arch is one of the most preserved. Whether you are passionate about history or simply curious about this civilization, a historical stroll awaits you!

Avenue Vincent Van Gogh, 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence

Monastery Saint Paul de Mausole

Monastery Saint Paul de Mausole

Near the Gallo-Roman city of Glanum, the monastery is a true historical monument that has survived the centuries. It is notably known for having welcomed the painter Vincent Van Gogh during one year. From his room, of which you can see a reconstruction, he painted more than 60 works! Only an artist like him was able to have so much inspiration. Sunflowers, fields of wheat and olive trees, the nature of Provence is very present in his paintings.

2 VC des Carrières, 13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence

Moulin Castelas

Moulin Castelas

Family production of PDO olive oil located at the foot of the village of Baux-de-Provence. A true Provencal know-how to discover during a visit. Emilie will guide you through the fields of olive trees and will tell you with passion her job, the olive tree is an eternal and at the same time capricious tree. With its terrace and picnic tables in the shade of the olive trees, you can spend a pleasant moment with your family.

13520 Les Baux de Provence

Visite et dégustation toutes les 30 minutes durant la saison estivale



A picturesque village that has many surprises in store, Fontvieille was the home of Alphonse Daudet, the writer of Letters from My Mill. The houses of Fontvieille are very old, some of them are even built with the same stones used to build the arena of Nîmes, impressive isn't it ? You can walk at your own pace in the small streets.

A voir : L'église, le Château de Mautauban, la Tour des Abbés et les Aqueducs romains de Barbegal

Domaine des Terres Blanches

Domaine des Terres Blanches

Pioneer vineyard of organic agriculture (since 1970), it is located at the foot of the Alpilles. The 12 grape varieties harvested are all certified AOP. Their wines smell of the sun, the mistral and the land of Provence. Taste with moderation their red, white or rosé wines. Cross the vineyards in a Deudeuche !

Route de Cavaillon RD99
13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence France

Visite et dégustation

Mill of Daudet

Mill of Daudet

Symbol of the writer Alphonse Daudet and recently renovated, you will find a very nice museum gathering his works and his memories. Good to know: From the Château de Mautauban where Alphonse Daudet lived, you can follow the writer's footsteps on a walk of about 1 hour and arrive at the Moulin. Located in the scrubland with a beautiful view on the surroundings, we understand why he was inspired by coming here!

Allés des Pins, 13990 Fontvieille

Plant heart

Plant heart

The vegetal heart can be observed during a superb hike of about 2 hours. Nearby is the oppidum of the Caisses de Jean-Jean, an archaeological site.

Bon à savoir : trouvez un itinéraire de la randonnée sur nommé « Les Caisses et les crêtes au-dessus de Mouriès »

Val d'enfer rock

Val d'enfer rock

Perched in front of Les Baux-de-Provence, it allows to admire the village without the crowd. It offers a breathtaking 360° view on the region. When the weather is beautiful, you can even see the sea! The erosion of the limestone rocks has shaped this form for hundreds of years. An ideal place to rest in a Combi Van or to have a picnic !

Tapez "Table d'orientation" dans Google Map

Départ d'un sentier de randonnée

Château Romanin

Château Romanin

At the gates of Saint Remy-de-Provence, this wine estate dug in the Alpilles, allows you to taste and visit their cellar in a unique setting. In biodynamics, the harvesting of the grapes is done according to the moon and the stars which give the wines their dresses and their so exceptional flavours. Discover their Cathedral cellar, this architectural feat is unique in France and perfectly harmonizes with the domain. Visits, workshops and tastings, guided tour on reservation.

Route de Cavaillon, 13210 Saint -Rémy-de-Provence

Visite du Chai
Visite complète du Château
Sur réservation

En chemin, vous pouvez apercevoir les planeurs de l'aérodrome de Romanin

Les Baux-de-Provence

Les Baux-de-Provence

Fortified village, naturally perched in the heart of the Alpilles Regional Natural Park. The remains of the medieval castle testify to the power of the village during the Middle Ages, its position is now one of the most famous villages in Provence. Did you know that this village belongs to the Grimaldi family and the Prince of Monaco? Princess Stéphanie, was herself a regular visitor to the village. The quietness, in the heart of the scrubland, visitors immediately understand what is the art of living in Provence!

La Reine Jeanne : 4 Rue Porte Mages, Grand Rue, 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence

L'Eglise, le Châteaux des Baux et la chapelle des Pénitents blanc

the Carrières des Lumières

the Carrières des Lumières

The one who had the idea to open the careers by projecting artistic works by putting them in music and in movement, we say bravo! The bet is successful. The greatest artists such as Picasso, Cézanne, Monet or Dali, have had their paintings exposed on limestone walls 16 meters high. An original way to admire paintings in a historical space and a classified natural site.

Route de Maillane, 13520 Les Baux-de-Provence

Sur réservation
Billetterie en ligne disponible

Une bonne idée de sortie en journée de pluie ou de canicule



Typically Provencal village, also called the "St-Tropez" of Provence. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence draws its charm from its monuments, its alleys and its past. This village has seduced many artists like Vincent Van Gogh. The architecture of the old private mansions, the stores and cafés, will plunge you into the atmosphere of the South and into the Roman era with its Collegiate Church of Saint Martin and its unique organ. Go through the door !

Don't miss the market on Wednesday morning where you will discover all the flavors of Provence. You will surely bring back olive oil, tapenade or strawberries !

Bistrot les pieds dans l'eau. 22 Boulevard Victor Hugo, 13210 Saint-Remy-de-Provence

Renseignements et informations à l'Office de Tourisme

Maison Gaillardet - La Troprovençale,15 Boulevard Victor Hugo 13210 Saint-Remy-de-Provence

Découvrir la Provence, c'est bien, mais en voiture vintage c'est mieux ;)